The Mediterranean Diet

The 2012 edition of Mediterra focuses on the Mediterranean Diet and proposes a multidimensional approach including sociodemographics, health, ecology, business, geo-economics and civil society initiatives.
Caught up in the dynamics of urbanisation and the globalisation of agricultural trade,iIn the Mediterranean, consumers have gradually modified their food practices. Despite the fact that it is the basis of the identity and one of the region's major assets, the Mediterranean Diet is less and less observed. Pressure on natural resources and the emergence of new private actors increase complexity of diet-related issues.
While it is the subject of debate and research, the Mediterranean Diet must be addressed from a political point of view given the growing awareness of the strategic dimension of agriculture and the crucial role played by food production in the stability and development of societies. Listed as part of the intagible heritage of humanity by the UNESCO, this Diet is now raising questions of environmental responsibility and political action to be taken in order to promote greater regional cooperation.
Involving 49 international experts, the Report has been produced in partnership with the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and the Mediterranean Diet Foundation (FDM).