Use of limited availability of irrigation water as an abiotic stress factor for the production of high added value small-sized greenhouse tomato
February 2023 - May 2025
Learn more: http://tomisad.maich.gr

This project involves the CIHEAM Chania Institute.
Project Summary
The main objective of this project is the rational management of water resources, the limitation of production losses and the improvement of the quality characteristics of small-fruited greenhouse tomato through the development of a Decision Support System (DSS) using innovative technologies for the collection, analysis and evaluation of specific parameters/indicators related to soil, irrigation, climate and cultivation.
The operational plan is being implemented within the framework of Measure 16 “Cooperation”, Sub-Measure 16.1-16.5 “Cooperation for environmental projects - Environmental practices and actions for climate change”, Action 2 of the Rural Development Programme of Greece 2014-2020.
Apart from CIHEAM-MAICh, the operational team of the project includes the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Coordinator), the Agricultural Cooperative of Tymbaki and the SME Nikoloudis Konstantinos (Glyko Domatini).