Collective and contextualised strategies to promote resilient and sustainable agricultural production in Mediterranean rural areas
November 2020 - November 2024
Learn more: https://www.supmed-project.com/en/anglais/home/

This project involves the CIHEAM Montpellier Institute.
Project Summary
To structurally and sustainably reduce the overexploitation of water resources and improve the income of farming households in Lebanon and Egypt in a context of climate change.
To propose, implement and evaluate integrated agronomic and socio-economic initiatives based on agro-ecology in order to reduce water dependency in each of the regions. These initiatives will be discussed with stakeholders and adapted to the context of the two target areas: the Beqaa Plain in Lebanon and the Luxor Governorate in Egypt.
SupMed aims to get at least 400 farmers in each area to sign up to a voluntary charter for the implementation of adaptation strategies based on agroecological practices.
At institutional level, the project will help to strengthen and improve the structure of the public-private partnership in agricultural consultancy in the two countries.
The main aim is to capitalise on this partnership experience and make recommendations for future agricultural policies. This capitalisation work will be all the more important as the project will contribute (at least partially) to the drafting of the next national (Lebanon) and regional (Egypt) agricultural policies.
CIHEAM Montpellier
Sources of funding:
- Fond Français pour l'Environnement Mondial
- Plan Vert (Ministère de l'Agriculture), Liban
- Executive Agency for the Comprehensive Development Projects, ministère de l’agriculture (EACDP), Egypte
- CIHEAM Montpellier, France
- Egyptian Association for Sustainable Development de Louxor (EASD), Egypte
- Centre Agricole privé de Hermel (FSC), Liban
- The Green Plan and the HASAD project, co-financier and member of the SupMed steering committee
- The Centre Agricole Privé de Hermel, project manager of the SupMed project in the field
- The Union of Municipalities of Baalbek-Hermel and the Union of Cooperatives of Hermel, Member of the SupMed Project Support Committee
- The Ministry of Agriculture, Member of the SupMed support committee
- The Faculty of Agronomy of the Lebanese University (Department of Rural Economics), Member of the SupMed support committee
- Executive Agency for the Comprehensive Development Projects (EACDP), Co-financier and member of the Supmed steering committee
- Egyptian Association for Sustainable Development (EASD), Project leader of the SupMed project in Egypt
- The Centre for Rural Development Studies (Cairo University, Faculty of Agronomy), Member of the SupMed project support committee
- The Department of Statistics and Agricultural and Rural Development of the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture, Member of the SupMed support committee