Integrated action to carry out pre-feasibility and support for the establishment of 5 pilot bioterritories in Tunisia
November 2022 - May 2024

This project involves the CIHEAM Bari Institute.
Project Summary
“Integrated action to carry out pre feasibility and support for the establishment of 5 Pilot Bio Territories in Tunisia, within an oriented framework of local development (production, services, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation) thus encouraging development of micro, small and middle enterprises, through enhanciement of know how, genetic and natural resources” (BIOTERRITOIRES)
The main objective of this project is to define the activation mechanisms and the feasibility necessary for the operational activation of a bio-territory in the pilot areas of Kesra, Mejel Bel Abbes, Haouaria, Hazoua, Sejnene.
Sources of funding:
- Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
- Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
Total budget: 1,000,000€
Partner: General Direction for Organic Agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture , Fishery and Hydraulic Resources)