Supporting eco-innovation to reduce food waste and promote a better resource efficient economy
January 2017 - December 2020
Learn more : http://www.interregeurope.eu/ecowaste4food/

This project involves The CIHEAM Montpellier institute
Project Summary
The ECOWASTE4FOOD project brings together seven local and regional authorities from seven countries throughout Europe to promote eco-innovations against food waste. Its ambition is to address the crucial issue of food waste, not only to stop an unacceptable situation which causes the loss of up to 30% of the agricultural production in the EU that keeps not consumed or is consumed in a wrong way regarding health concerns, but also to demonstrate that food waste could be at source of a resource efficient and environmentally friendly economy for the territories. During the four years of the project, the partners commit themselves to share their experiences in this field, in order to jointly draw up action plans to support eco-innovations via European Regional Development Funds (ERDF).
The overall objective of the project is to improve the partners' policy instruments for regional development, and mainly their action plans, in their capacities to protect the environment and promote resource efficiency through the support of eco-innovation in the field of food waste.
Main ECOWASTE4FOOD activities are threefold:
- to promote exchange of experience and sharing of practices among 7 EU regions, through targeted workshops and cross-visits,
- to promote the active participation of regional stakeholders in the interregional learning process of eco-innovation in the food systems through 7 local stakeholders groups,
- to foster the preparation, implementation and monitoring of 7 Action Plans for integrating and upscaling eco-innovative and resource efficient good practices within regional policies.
Results and Projetct Impact
- Characterization of the types of eco-innovations in the territories concerned
- Mobilization of stakeholders groups in the territories concerned (SMEs, consumers...)
- Capitalization and dissemination of 40 best practices eco-innovations
- Implementation of 7 action plans to support eco-innovations between 2019 and 2020
- Mobilization of the ERDF to support eco-innovations (target of EUR 20 millions)
- Recommendations to improve territorial food governance through post-2020 EU regional policies
See food waste innovations matrix existing in the territories of the project partners [more...]
Source of funding : Interreg Europe/ERDF
Programme and Contact references : Samuel FERET (CIHEAM-IAMM) – Project manager, feret@iamm.fr +33 608 831 235
Total budget : 1 465 703,00 €
Partners :
- Wielkopolska Region with the seat of the Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region in Poznan (MOWR) - Poland
- City of Ferrara (COF) - Italy
- Region of Western Macedonia (RWM) - Greece
- Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia (RCSO) - Finland
- Regional Council of Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur (PACA) - France
- Devon County Council (DCC) - U.K.
- Waste Agency of Catalonia (ARC) - Spain