Actualités et événements
Information COVID-19
CORONAVIRUS Le CIHEAM vous informe et se tient à vos côtés 19 mars 2020 Communication…
Réunion du bureau à Paris
Le bureau du CIHEAM s’est réuni à Paris Sous la présidence de…
Accelerate the AGENDA 2030
The CIHEAM, the FAO and the UfM Collaborate for Sustainable Food Systems in the Mediterranean…
CIHEAM official visit to Spain
CIHEAM official visit to Spain: Exchanges and avenues of collaboration on priority areas …
For the International Women's Day, the CIHEAM reiterates its call for investment in the training,…
International experts work, in Morocco, on the dangers of the Xyllela fastidiosa bacteria
Experts work on the dangers of the Xyllela Fastidiosa bacteria Meknes, 03 February 2020 (Source-MAP)…