28 August 2019, Paris, CIHEAM Headquarters
The Secretary General of CIHEAM met Marc PALAHI, Director of the European Forest Institute (EFI) in Paris to discuss new areas of collaboration between the two Organisations.
Both active in the areas of research and capacity building, CIHEAM and EFI are developing synergies to contribute effectively to the development of information, policies and practices on bioeconomy, biodiversity and land use in a climate change context.
The forms of collaboration envisaged include activities related to research (joint publications, organisation of common events), support for capacity building, development of networks of young professionals or fundraising and the development of synergies (units, joint communication platforms).
Future initiatives will revolve around the main areas of common interest:
- Integrated Mediterranean landscape management and ecosystem restoration as a basis for developing a specific Mediterranean Bioeconomy while enhancing the provision of Ecosystem Services, in particular biodiversity;
- The role of Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral systems to enhance landscape socio-ecological resilience while advancing the bioeconomy;
- Urban forest-based solutions and urban farming as a means to rethink cities in the Mediterranean and ensure they are climate-smart.
A memorandum of Understanding is underway and will be signed in the coming months.

Placido Plaza SG of the CIHEAM and Marc PALAHI Director of the EFI (28 August 2019, Paris)
More about EFI