Food Waste prevention and reduction: local and regional strategies towards the EU Green Deal Agenda
Final Conference of ECOWASTE 4 FOOD , 7th October 2020
After more than 3 years of activities supporting eco-innovation to reduce food waste and promote a better resource-efficient economy at the local level, the #ECOWASTE4FOOD project team presented their results today.
Besides the presentation of the activities undertaken, this event was also the opportunity to discuss on the various pathways for local and regional authorities to address food waste concerns and the perspectives for action provided by the coming European Green Deal to reinforce regional policies and strategies to fight against food waste.
During the opening session, the Secretary-General of the CIHEAM, M. Placido Plaza, mentioned that the COVID-19 crisis has strongly reminded us that we must develop food systems that are not only good for the planet and for the health of people but also form the basis for the good health of our societies. He stated that "Fighting against food waste is definitely a sign of our society’s good health!" and added that "(...) questioning waste and food waste, in particular, is a way of recognizing and start addressing the increasing inequality in the distribution of goods. "
" Fighting against food waste is definitely a sign of our society’s good health"
He also highlighted the fact that combatting food waste gives new values to food and, by doing so, it helps provide new values to our society as a whole, by raising awareness on the scarcity of primary resources, by rebuilding the social fabric, between farmers and producers, between retailers and civil society organizations, by promoting new and innovative value chains that support the strengthening of the local economy and the development of more resource-efficient economies.
Indeed, food is a vital good for all, the commitment at the local level to fight against its waste with the setting up of participative and territorialized strategies is as a strong lever to engage our societies in a new paradigm where resources are considered as a common good that must be managed carefully and shared.
MORE INFORMATION on the seminar:
The ECOWASTE 4 FOOD Project Team:

09h00 - Opening session
- Placido PLAZA, Secretary-General of CIHEAM
- Interreg Europe Programme representative
09h20 - Setting the scene of food waste in Europe
Shane WARD, University College Dublin
10h00 --- Break
10h30 - SESSION 1 - Cutting food wastage at the local level: actors and good practices supported by the ECOWASTE 4 FOOD project
Presentation of the main results of the ECOWASTE 4 FOOD by each of the project partners
12h00 --- Lunch break
13h30 - SESSION 2 - Lessons learnt from the ECOWASTE 4 FOOD project: what place and roles for Local Authorities (LA) in the reduction of food waste?
A panel of the project partners will answer to a series of questions, giving their experience and concrete examples. Debate with the audience.
14h30 --- Break
15h00 - The EU Farm-to-Fork strategy and the EU renewed ambitions on food waste
DG SANTE, European Commission (tbc)
15h30 - SESSION 3 - Shaping the future: EU framework towards effective local/regional strategies to fight against food waste
A panel of 8 policy makers (EU, national and regional authorities) will answer to a series of questions. Debate with the audience.
17h00 - Wrap up of the sessions and conclusions