Kick-off meeting of NewTechAqua
NewTechAqua (H2020 project)
CIHEAM is involved in New Technologies, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative European Aquaculture
Tuesday 21 January 2020 Kick-off meeting of NewTechAqua Bologna, Italy By 2050, the planet will be inhabited by 9.7 billion people. This implies an unprecedented challenge for food systems that will need to substantially increase the production of safe and nutritious food, while reducing the pressure on environmental resources. Europe and the Mediterranean region will be at the forefront of this challenge and as such it will need to ensure healthy diets, by boosting innovation and investment, implementing resource-efficient circular economy principles and building climate smart food systems. The aquaculture industry has to ensure that it is possible to increase and differentiate the production of sufficient, good healthy and sustainable seafood and these aims can be achieved by enhancing innovations, technology and knowledge management while improving the understanding of the factors influencing development[1]. To this aim, NewTechAqua, a new project funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020, intends to expand and diversify EU production of finfish, molluscs and microalgae by developing and validating technologically-advanced, resilient and sustainable new solutions. NewTechAqua identified a range of challenges and opportunities for the sustainable development of European Aquaculture:
- Use sustainable fish feeds to make aquaculture one of the most efficient producer of safe and nutritious food products
- Increase organic aquaculture production
- Improve farming production through new technologies and management systems where the precision fish farming principles and industry 4.0 revolution are key factors that could assist this aspect
- Raise robustness (disease resistance) and quality of aquatic organisms by selective breeding programmes
- Respond to disease and infections, using fewer and fewer chemical and antibiotics ü Support the diversification of the aquaculture industry (new fish, new products)
- Improve aquaculture industry technology and cultivation systems that are environmentally and economically sustainable

Press Release
[1] European Parliament Fisheries Committee, the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATIP) 2017