The CIHEAM carries out a wide range of activities that contribute to achieving simultaneously food production, socioeconomic viability and resource conservation objectives.
Among them, the
High Nature Value (HNV) farming, which refers to farming systems/farmlands that support a high diversity of wildlife species and habitats and/or species of conservation concern.
It maintains a diversity of land cover, including semi-natural vegetation, and a high density of features such as hedges, stone walls, terraces and ponds, covering over 25% of the European farmland.

The 10 Learning Areas (LA): Western Stara Planina (Bulgaria), Dalmatian Islands (Croatia), Thessalia (Greece), Causses and Cévennes (France), The Burren (Ireland), Sítio de Monfurado (Portugal), Eastern Hills of Cluj (Romania), La Vera (Spain), Dalsland (Sweden), Dartmoor (UK).
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