CIHEAM and FAO field research initiative
The CIHEAM and FAO field research initiative for PhD students and young researchers
24 September 2018
During the 2nd Mediterranean Forum for PhD students and Young Researchers on ‘’Research and Innovation as tools for sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition security’’, the CIHEAM and FAO presented to the participants a joint initiative intended to allow them to undertake short-term field ....invited participants to apply to undertake short-term field research linked to food and nutrition security, sustainable agriculture and rural development to enhance practical skills to work in the field and strengthen exchanges between young scientists, rural communities and local organisations.
The initiative will provide successful applicants with an opportunity to engage with local, rural community-based organisations in thematic areas supporting achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the CAPMED 2025: Enhancing food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture; sustainable land and water management in water scarce and coastal areas; alien pests management; increasing sustainability and inclusiveness of Mediterranean agri-food value chains; agri-entrepreneurship for rural poverty reduction; empowering women and youth in agriculture.
The purpose is to strengthen interactions between young scientists, rural communities and local organisations, promote knowledge exchanges, equip youth with practical skills, share best practices and innovative tools for sustainable agriculture and rural poverty reduction, and foster networks and employment opportunities for young researchers and PhD students across the South of the Mediterranean region including through South-South Cooperation. This Field Research Initiative is technically supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO).
The FAO - CIHEAM Field Research Initiative
The FAO-CIHEAM Field Research Initiative is a competitive grants initiative designed as a PhD student/young researcher placement in a rural community-based local organisation (producer organization, SME, cooperative…) to apply, scale-out and disseminate research findings which can contribute to the eradication of hunger and malnutrition, increasing the sustainability and resilience of agriculture, improving livelihoods and reducing rural poverty.
FAO and CIHEAM have been working together for over 30 years for sustainable and inclusive development of Mediterranean coastal, rural and agricultural areas.
Together, CIHEAM and FAO are leading many initiatives in the region at the policy, programme and research levels to support Member States in realizing food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture and support the achievement of the SDGs.
Since its creation, CIHEAM has been committed to strengthen the sharing of knowledge, the preservation of traditional know-how and research to address the needs of the Mediterranean countries. Throughout the history of the Mediterranean, agricultural practices adapted to the natural conditions of the region have been developed and transmitted to next generations. Over time, small farmers and fishermen have acquired skills, traditional knowledge and know-how that should be shared, preserved and linked to innovation and research to address the needs of the people. This goal can be achieved through the creation of networks for sharing scientific and technical knowledge with local communities.
More details about the FAO-CIHEAM Field Research Initiative.
From the launch of the call for contribution, all applications must be received on-line and sent by e-mail to: