'Advanced Workshop' took place under the auspices of the Agricultural University of Athens in collaboration with the European Weed Research Society (EWRS) and the EWRS 'Weed Mapping Working Group', Prague University of Life Sciences (Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague), the CIHEAM Institute of Chania and the Institute of Subtropical Plants and Vine Olives of the Greek Agricultural Organization "DIMITRA".
Purpose: For postgraduate students and PhD students, researchers, teachers and a limited number of scientists and practitioners from the private sector, to gain advanced knowledge and experience in the application of classical and new digital methods for weed mapping through lectures, in combination with practical work in the field, in the following topics:
- Methods for evaluating and recording weeds in different crops
- Statistical methods and analysis for spatial and non-spatial distribution of plant species using geostatistics
- Creation of digital weed spread maps, analysis and interpretation of the maps
- Using mapping in the application and management of precision weed control methods
The themes of the program were: spatial registration and mapping of (a) weeds in crops, grasslands and natural environments, (b) invasive plants, (c) herbicide-resistant weeds, and (d) rare native species.
Participation in the Advanced Workshop: Professor of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) Garyfalia Economou, Professor of AUA Dionysios Kalyva (Head of GIS Team), Dr. Hansjoerg Kraehmer, Former President of the EWRS, Assistant Professor Michaela Kolarova of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and Demeter Delphi MSc Agronomist
At this scientific meeting, oral presentations by recognized professors and researchers in the field of weed recording in classical and digital technologies were presented, with special emphasis placed on the demonstration and application of new technologies in the cultivation of endemic species of field crops, namely citrus fruits maintained by ELGO Dimitra. Of particular importance is the invitation from the Coordinator of the EWRS-Weed Mapping Working Group Professor Garifalia Economou to set up an Observatory to restrict the spread of non-native weeds that threaten crops and biodiversity. The Observatory was proposed to be installed at CIHEAM Chania in the ELGO Citrus Garden and to function as a collaboration network of the Agricultural University of Athens, ELGO DIMITRA, CIHEAM Chania and the European Weed Research Society (EWRS).

The participants enjoyed unique opportunities of high scientific knowledge and practical application of new technologies as well as Cretan hospitality and gastronomy through the services of the CIHEAM Institute's Conference Center.