Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Its goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. With over 194 member states, the FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide.
The CIHEAM and the FAO have been collaborating on various projects since 1977. Their cooperation was strenghtened in the framework of an agreement signed at the UN Agency’s headquarters in Rome on 8 January 2009. They agreed to intensify their collaboration in the fields of traditional food, protection of forests, modernisation of irrigation and plant disease management techniques and quarantine measures.
On October 23 ,2015, the FAO and the CIHEAM renewed their more than 35-year-old partnership and reaffirmed shared goals to enhance food security, nutrition and sustainable agricultural development in the Mediterranean region, especially through better sharing of ideas, experiences and analyses.
Latest CIHEAM - FAO activities
Mediterra 2016 was co-published by the two organisations.
During the first half-year 2017, the partnership between the CIHEAM and the FAO has been strengthened through the development of several initiatives.
Previous CIHEAM - FAO activities
CIHEAM-IPPC-FAO Xylella fastidiosa project (X. fastidiosa bacteria and its vectors)
In partnership with: CIHEAM Bari
In 2013, the first outbreak of X. fastidiosa was reported in Apulia (Italy). Thanks to the support of the CIHEAM, FAO, IPPC and IOC for the organisation of two international workshops, this book represents a unique opportunity for the main national and international stakeholders to find the most updated information on X. fastidiosa and its vectors, with a focus on the latest experience and knowledge acquired in Europe.
CIHEAM-IPPC-FAO Xylella fastidiosa
Workshop FAO-CIHEAM Dieta Mediterranea project (improving food security and nutrition)
In partnership with: CIHEAM Bari
CIHEAM and FAO, on 23 October 2015, signed a new strategic partnership aimed at working together to advance solutions on issues related to improving food security and nutrition in the region. The technical workshop is jointly organized by FAO and CIHEAM-Bari, as part of the implementation of the activities of the 10YFP SFSP core initiative on “Sustainable Diets in the Context of Sustainable Food Systems”, in which FAO and CIHEAM are both members of the 10YFP-SFSP Multistakeholder Advisory Committee (MAC).
Workshop FAO-CIHEAM Dieta Mediterranea website
BLUE HOPE project (fisheries and aquaculture value chains)
In partnership with: CIHEAM Bari
The CIHEAM will provide detailed, comprehensive and technical reports on blue growth opportunities in fisheries and aquaculture value chains in the areas of Gokova Bay (Turkey), Zarzis port and clam productive areas in Medenine (Tunisia), Gouraya area and Algeri fishing (Algeria).
MED-Amin project (cooperation and experience-sharing between national information systems)
In partnership with: CIHEAM Montpellier
Established following the demand of the Agricultural Ministers of the CIHEAM Member States expressed during their 9th meeting in Malta, in September 2012, the MED-Amin network (Mediterranean Agricultural Markets Information Network) is aimed at facilitating cooperation and experience-sharing between national information systems on agricultural markets. During an initial phase, MED-Amin focuses on cereal products (wheat, maize, barley, rice), commodities that are a strategic component of food security across the Mediterranean region.
MADFORWATER project (DevelopMent AnD application of integrated technological and management solutions FOR wasteWATER)
In partnership with: CIHEAM Bari
DevelopMent AnD application of integrated technological and management solutions FOR wasteWATER treatment and efficient reuse in agriculture tailored to the needs of Mediterranean African Countries.
WASAG PROJECT (water scaricity in agriculture)
In partnership with: CIHEAM Bari
WASAG is an international platform aiming at identifying actions to face problems related to water scaricity in agriculture. This LoA is aimed at Increasing and improving the provision of goods and services for sustainable agriculture.
High-level scientific conference on the Red-Palm Weevil
The Secretary General has participated to the conference held in Rome on February 6 - 10, 2017, co-organised by the FAO and the CIHEAM-Bari. This scientific meeting brought together representatives of regulatory authorities and experts from affected countries, international scientists and technology developers involved in the management of the red-palm weevil. The outcome of the scientific consultation will be part of a programme and a multidisciplinary strategy for the management and containment of the red-palm weevil.
Side Event CIHEAM-FAO-EBRD in Meknes
Following the initiative organised in September 2016 in Tirana, the CIHEAM, the FAO and the EBRD held a new Forum for the private sector focusing on issues related to the sustainability of agro-food value chains at the International Agricultural Show that took place in Meknes on 20 April 2017 with the support of the Moroccan authorities.
Visit of the Director General at the CIHEAM-Bari for the end of the academic year
On June 23th 2017, the Director General of the FAO visited Bari for the end of the academic year. He sent a strong message to the CIHEAM community of students and staff, recalling the several challenges that are faced by the Mediterranean especially those related to young people. Discussions were also held with the Secretary General of the CIHEAM on all ongoing projects and in particular on South-South cooperation issues.
Platform on Migration in the framework of the CAPMED 2025
The CIHEAM wishes to set up a regional initiative with the Mediterranean countries in partnership with the FAO, whose Director-General will co-chair the Global Migration Group (GMG) in 2018, an inter-agency group that promotes dialogue on issues related to migration at international level, and the different institutions concerned, in accordance with the guidelines adopted in the Ministerial Declaration of Tirana.
World Food Day
On October 28, 2017, on occasion of the World Food Day, the CIHEAM organised the Concert for the Earth to raise awareness among youth on relationship between food security, agriculture and distress migration. This concert was held at the Teatro Petruzzelli in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (FARNESINA) and with the support of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva congratulates the CIHEAM for its work
On October 13 2017 in Rome, the FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva congratulates the CIHEAM for its work and quotes the Secretary General, Cosimo Lacirignola during the Italian National Research Council on “Climate, Agriculture, Migration”.
This important recognition of our activities by the FAO is the result of the dynamic initiated within the framework of the CAPMED 2025 (CIHEAM ACTION PLAN FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN) and following the CIHEAM 11th Ministerial Meeting in Tirana (22 September 2016) which focused on the root causes of distress migration from the point of view of agricultural development and food security.
Projects conducted in partnership with the FAO: