In line with the SDGs adopted by the United Nations, The CIHEAM Action Plan for the Mediterranean (CAPMED 2025) constitutes our framework of actions for the Mediterranean

Agriculture and fisheries are decisive for the region’s societies. Due to demographic growth, in 2020, there will be some 530 million persons to feed in the region. Agriculture remains a major economic factor in Mediterranean countries, as it employs one third of the active labour force in the majority of them.
Overall, it represents more than 10% of GDP in many States and agricultural products represent an average of 10 to 25 % of trade for several Mediterranean countries. The Mediterranean is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change and it is predicted to become even hotter and dryer than it already is.
These phenomena add complexity to the already vulnerable situation of Mediterranean agriculture, which struggles to increase quantity and quality of production while preserving scarce natural resources.