Paris, France, Wednesday 26 April 2023

- CIHEAM Secretary General, Mr Teodoro Miano, welcomed a delegation of the OIV at the General Secretariat for a work meeting
- The meeting was the occasion to discuss the priorities of the two organizations, underline areas of complementarity and structure the collaboration for the coming years
- The CIHEAM reaffirmed its commitment to providing high-quality education to students and young professionals in the Mediterranean to train the vine and wine experts of tomorrow
26 April 2023, Paris (France) - The Secretary-General of the CIHEAM, Mr Teodoro Miano, together with Mr Raúl Compés, Director of CIHEAM Zaragoza, and Mr Julio Urruela, Administrator at CIHEAM, welcomed at the General Secretariat a delegation from the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), composed by the Director-General Mr Pau Roca, and his chief of cabinet, Mr Rodrigo de Casas.
The meeting was the perfect opportunity to make a point on the ongoing cooperation between the two intergovernmental organisations and discuss mutual priorities and lines of action for the years to come, as enshrined in the MoU they renewed last February.
For CIHEAM and its partners, education lies at the heart of cooperation
Viticulture represents a key sector in Mediterranean agriculture for its size and world leadership and shows the path towards more sustainable models of production as the vine and wine sector has evolved a lot in recent years towards ecological production and a very important quality improvement. In light of that, the two organizations seek cooperation to enhance eco-friendly production and responsible consumption.
In particular, discussions turned over the organization of advanced courses for civil servants and public officers from OIV Member Countries, seeking renewed expertise linked to varietal identification, selection and preservation as well as other technical aspects such as nursing and pruning of wineries.
Finally, the OIV invited Mr Miano to visit its headquarters in Dijon to pursue discussions as well as to attend the 44th World Congress of Vine and Wine organized by OIV that will take place in Jerez and Cadiz (Spain) next June.