CIHEAM Report on COVID-19 impacts in the Mediterranean Region
The effects of the COVID-19 on the economy of the Mediterranean region are barely emerging but they are likely to have an unprecedented impact. As in every crisis, it is the poorest populations who will suffer the most serious consequences. The pandemic first threatened their health, then their work - often in the informal economy - and it is now weighing on their food security. Among the most fragile, there are the vulnerable populations of rural and agricultural areas of the Mediterranean region, who are already suffering from climate change impacts, the reduction of natural resources and development inequalities.
The availability, access, use and price stability of food products that characterise “food security” (FAO) have been impacted, as a corollary of supply and demand instability which risks worsening if the appropriate responses are not provided.

As a significant stakeholder in the field of research, agricultural cooperation and political dialogue in the Mediterranean since 1962, it was important for the CIHEAM to contribute to a better understanding of the short and medium-term consequences of the COVID 19 crises on food security in some of its member countries.
- What measures could be taken by all stakeholders in order to mitigate the negative impacts?
- Can the COVID 19 crises lead to a deep reflection upon new instruments to address the fight against rural poverty and food insecurity and the management of natural resources?
- Can the COVID 19 crises provide an opportunity for greater regional collaboration?