to the preservation of the Mediterranean biodiversity, sustainable fisheries and inclusive coastal development

Some Projects...

Currently, in the Horizon 2020 Programme, CIHEAM Zaragoza coordinates the project MedAID (Mediterranean Aquaculture Integrated Development), a Research and Innovation Action (2017- 2021) aiming to increase the overall competitiveness and sustainability of the Mediterranean marine fish-farming sector, throughout the whole value chain.

CIHEAM Chania coordinated a project funded by the LIFE+ programme (2009-2013) entitled “Actions for the conservation of coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. in Crete and the South Aegean (Greece)” (JUNICOAST). The project was indirectly related to coastal zone management.

Funded in the framework of the bilateral Neighbourhood Programme managed by the EU Delegation in Tunisia, the CIHEAM Montpellier coordinates Devlok Project. The Devlok (2017-2020) objective is to strengthen the maritime, agricultural and rural economy of Kerkennah islands by supporting the emergence of economic and social projects based on sustainable use of local resources, and in particular its specific resources, for the benefit of the entire population.

MARE Outpost, Tricase (LE) is both a marine station and a place of cooperation of Mediterranean institutions, social and cultural organizations, associations and individuals, all engaged in a smart and sustainable growth in coastal communities. It was founded by CIHEAM Bari on the occasion of the territorial cooperation project BIG (Greece-Italy 2007 2013), in partnership with the Municipality of Tricase, the local Association Magna Grecia Mare, the University of Salento and the Regional Park.

The CIHEAM offers a broad training programme on fisheries and aquaculture
- The Sustainable Fisheries Management Master is jointly organized by the University of Alicante UA), the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), through the General Secretariat of Fisheries (SGP), and the CIHEAM Zaragoza.
- The Marine Aquaculture Master, is jointly organized by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), and the CIHEAM through the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza.