CIHEAM Countries are working together to find joint solutions to strengthen the resilience of their agricultural systems and food security undermined by the invasion of Ukraine. Marked by the current crisis in grains and input markets, the 9th MED-Amin meeting took place on 22 and 23 November 2022 in CIHEAM Zaragoza (Spain) to address current and future challenges to food security in the region.
The event, jointly organized by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, CIHEAM Montpellier, and CIHEAM Zaragoza brought together experts and policymakers from 13 Mediterranean countries, as well as key partner organizations involved in the agricultural market and food security monitoring. Among them, representatives from key international organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Agriculture Market Information System Secretariat, AMIS), the Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS), the European Commission, the International Grain Council (IGC), and the World Food Program.
Fernando Miranda, General Secretary of Agriculture and Food of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, stressed the importance of cooperation in the framework of the MED-Amin network in order to face the big challenge of climate change and the market uncertainties caused by the invasion of Ukraine.
The opening session was also attended by the Regional Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon, Joaquín Olona, who acknowledged the work of the MED-Amin information network. In this sense, he stressed that "information is key" to the functioning of the markets.
MED-Amin, the Mediterranean Agricultural Market Information Network, is a successful experience of collaboration between the two shores of the Mediterranean, fostering market transparency and dialogue. Launched in 2014 by the Ministers of Agriculture of the 13 Mediterranean Member States of the CIHEAM, the initiative is coordinated by CIHEAM Montpellier.
Plácido Plaza, Secretary General of the CIHEAM, intervened during the opening panel, stating: “Once again, we must observe the fragility of our Mediterranean food systems, dependent on prices and availability in exporting regions. In particular, the conflict in the Black Sea demonstrates, if need be, that the difficulties of a region that is a source of agricultural and energy supplies have direct repercussions on Mediterranean economies and communities”.
Raúl Compés, director of CIHEAM Zaragoza, highlighted the vulnerability of the region to climate change. The high temperatures and drought conditions experienced in many parts of the Mediterranean Basin in 2022 affected the growth of crops, resulting in lower yields and production.
The MED-Amin meeting offers a unique opportunity to discuss those global phenomena and open ground for joint solutions. The conclusions of the two-day event will contribute to a renewed analysis of national and regional needs, and pave the way for new MED-Amin activities.