Visit to Rabat

Meeting in Rabat between the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests and the Secretary General of the

Meeting with the Director General of the AICS

The Secretary General of the CIHEAM met the Director General of the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS)

On the occasion of the 17th edition of the International Cooperation Days, held at CIHEAM Bari from 15 to 19 January, the Secr

The CIHEAM Chania, a preferred choice for foreign students

The CIHEAM Chania ranks 2nd in Greece among the best choices for international students!

Among European study destinations, Greece ranks 26th. In the hope of attracting more students from abroad and raising the country’s profile on the world


As a partner of the #MediterraneanCoalition, the CIHEAM highlights agricultural issues at the COP28

COP28, Dubai (United Arab Emirates)