The Secretary General, Mr Teodoro Miano, met the Maltese Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights, Mr Anton Refalo, its Permanent Secretary and the CIHEAM Delegate of Malta, Mr Sharlo Camilleri, the Director General of Rural Affairs Department, Mr Saviour Debono Grech, the Director of Agriculture and Substitute to the CIHEAM Delegate of Malta, Mr Marco Dimech, and the Head of Cabinet of the Minister. The objective of this meeting was to discuss strategic partnerships and ongoing projects with the country that is a member of the CIHEAM since 1989.

This visit was also an opportunity to prepare the 155th meeting of the CIHEAM Governing Board, which will be held in Valetta next July. The Maltese authorities have offered to host this meeting in an iconic location , the Fort Sant'Angelo, thus providing a prestigious setting for deliberations and strategic decisions.

The Secretary General was also invited to present the activities of the CIHEAM at the Malta AgriFair. This event brings together key stakeholders in the agriculture, fisheries and food sectors, showcasing agribusinesses and promoting farming and fishing opportunities.