Meeting with H.E Bledi Cuçi, Albanian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
The Secretary-General of CIHEAM Placido Plaza and the Director of the CIHEAM Montpellier Institute, Pascal Bergeret, met with the Albanian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, his Excellency Mr Bledi Cuçi, on the sidelines of the "Salon de l'agriculture" in Paris on Saturday 22 February 2020.
The meeting, marked by rich exchanges, highlighted a convergence of priorities in the areas of training and
capacity building, sustainable management of
coastal areas, the quality of
food products, including the issues of certifications and geographical indications.
Finally, the Minister confirmed his country's interest in the upcoming
CIHEAM Ministerial Conference focusing on empowering and strengthening the place of women and young people in Mediterranean food systems, indicating that Albanian youth is a priority.

Photo/ CIHEAM Secretary-General Placido Plaza, Albanian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Bledi Cuçi, Director of the CIHEAM Montpellier Agricultural Institute, Pascal Bergeret, SALON DE L'AGRICULTURE, Paris, FRANCE, 22 February 2020