Paris, Institut de France, 21 March 2023
On the occasion of the International Day of Forests, the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) and the Groupe Interacadémique pour le Développement (GID) met on March 21st at the Institut de France to move forward with the programming of the Parmenides X Conference that they are co-organizing in partnership with the European Forest Institute (EFI).
Following on from Parmenides IX, which dealt with the sustainable management of Mediterranean watersheds, Parmenides X will focus on the challenges facing trees and forests in Mediterranean countries. The Conference will be held at CIHEAM Chania (Greece) from 24 to 26 October 2023. CIHEAM will focus on issues at the intersection between agriculture and forest management, with a particular interest in agroforestry and silvopastoral applications.

This working meeting was also an opportunity for the new CIHEAM Secretary General, Mr. Teodoro Miano, to meet the members of the GID board, namely Ms. Catherine Bréchignac, Honorary Permanent Secretary of the French Academy of Sciences, Ambassador Delegate for Science, Technology, and Innovation, Vice-President of the GID, Ms. Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux, Vice-President and in charge of institutional relations of the GID, Mr. Jacques Brulhet, President of the French Academy of Agriculture, and Mr. Thierry Chambolle, Academy of Technologies.

The woodlands and forests of the Mediterranean are a world biodiversity hotspot and have been the cradle of great civilizations, providing a living environment, part of the food supply, energy, and building materials for Mediterranean societies.
These areas are now faced with global challenges, including climate change, strong demographic growth in coastal areas, and urbanization.
Susceptible to overexploitation, these ecosystems are threatened by tourism, erosion, climatic extremes, biotic imbalances, and fires.
Many forest-related issues remain to be addressed by the Mediterranean countries, requiring strong, concerted, and multi-stakeholder actions. Parmenides X intends to contribute to this objective.
More information on the GID-CIHEAM joint actions at