Signature of a joint declaration for the World Water Forum and a partnership agreement between the GID and the CIHEAM
Joint statement, Thursday 9 December 2021, Institut de France
On Thursday 9 December 2021 at the Institut de France (Paris), the Groupe Interacadémique pour le Développement (GID) and the CIHEAM have signed a joint declaration for the World Water forum to be held in Dakar in 2022 and a partnership agreement.
The declaration highlights three points
The joint declaration signed in preparation for the 9th World Water Forum to be held next March in Dakar 2022, namely follows the recommendations of the 9th Parmenides Symposium jointly organized by the two organisation from 19 to 21 October 2021 in Bari (Italy) focusing on “The Sustainable Management of Mediterranean Watersheds Faced With the Impacts of Societal and Climate changes
While this World Water Forum will give an important place to rural development, the declaration highlights three points:
1. The Mediterranean is a vulnerable area under tension. Mobilisation is therefore urgent;
2. The soil-water complex is intrinsically linked;
3. The sustainable management of watersheds is a necessary condition for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea, for controlled flows and for the availability of water for all.
Download the joint declaration
Building on complementarities to better mobilise knowledge in the service of co-development
The mission of the CIHEAM and the GID is to support the development of Mediterranean and African countries and societies in common fields of intervention such as agriculture, education, protection of natural resources and the environment, water, food and nutrition or even health. They pursue similar objectives with a concern for relevance and quality, with particular emphasis on societal and scientific training dimensions.
To this end, a partnership agreement was also signed by the President of GID, Mr François Guinot and the Secretary General of CIHEAM, Mr Plácido Plaza, in the presence of Mrs Catherine Brechignac, Ambassador for Science, Technology and Innovation and Vice-President of the GID, of Mrs Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux, Vice-President and responsible for institutional relations of the GID, of Mr Jacques Brulhet, President of the French Academy of Agriculture, of Mr Pierre GENY, perpetual secretary of the Académie des sciences d’outre-mer, and of Mr Thierry Chambolle, French Academy of Technologies.
Since their establishment, the CIHEAM and the GID have succeeded in federating active and diverse communities of partners in European, Mediterranean and African countries in the fields of research, training and cooperation.
This agreement provides new thematic and geographic perspectives in the service of effective co-development and to better respond to emerging challenges.