The CIHEAM Zaragoza, the Agri-Food Research and Technology Centre of Aragon (CITA), the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zaragoza and the AgriFood Institute of Aragon (IA2), organised the XIV Congress of the Spanish Association of Agrifood Economists (AEEA) in Zaragoza from the 6 to 8 September.

For three days, under the theme “Strategies for agri-food systems in the face of global challenges”, the participants met at the premises of the organising institutions. They addressed research topics of national and international importance in the field of agri-food economics.
Over 200 participants and more than 350 contributions focused on the themes of food geopolitics, governance, sustainable agriculture and food systems. The development of new tools to promote sustainable consumption was also discussed.
The Secretary General of the CIHEAM, Teodoro Miano, took part in the first plenary session of the conference and shared the 60 years of experience of the CIHEAM in meeting the challenges of agriculture and food in the Mediterranean. On the sidelines of the conference, the Secretary General gave interviews and statements to some of the most prominent media outlets involved, such as EFE:Agro and Heraldo Aragona, on subjects of key importance to the CIHEAM, such as agricultural cooperation, sustainable agriculture and food security in the Mediterranean.
This session, entitled “Food geopolitics: global challenges, local impacts”, also included the participation of:
- Javier Sierra, former Director of CIHEAM Zaragoza and current Counsellor of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food at the Permanent Mission of Spain to the United Nations Office in Geneva;
- Gabriel Trenzado, Director General of Agri-food Cooperatives in Spain;
- Nuria Arribas, Managing Director of the Interprofessional Dairy Organization;
- Jesús Barreiro-Hurle, Economist at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.