The President of the CIHEAM Governing Board, Mrs Frida Krifca, and the Secretary General of CIHEAM, Mr Teodoro Miano, both newly elected, visited the CIHEAM Agronomic Institute in Montpellier on Thursday 21 September 2023.
21 September 2023, CIHEAM Montpellier

This first visit by the President and the Secretary-General was packed with meetings and provided an opportunity for rich discussions revolving around the many activities implemented by the Institute to promote the integration, sustainability and resilience of Mediterranean agroecosystems. The Director, Mr Thierry Dupeuble, and staff members from the teaching, research and cooperation projects departments took it in turns to present the Strategic Plan 2023-26 of the Institute, the Centre de Français Langue Etrangère (ISO 9001 certified and awarded the Bienvenue en France label), the Masters programmes and the activities Laboratoire d’Accueil Méditerranéen en Economie et Sciences Sociales (LAMES)

Two PhD students were able to discuss their work on the issues of social capital in rural areas and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in adaptation strategies in arid zones.
The project leaders presented the ongoing development cooperation programmes. Adopting participatory approaches to create synergies between local and regional players, operators on the ground and decision-makers, the priority objectives of the projects presented are to create jobs with high social and environmental value and to formulate intelligent solutions to the challenges faced by agriculture and rural and coastal areas in the Mediterranean.
Further information on the projects presented (SupMed, Med-Links, SmartAL, MED-Amin)