During the International Conference on "Sustainable development of coastal areas and fisheries in the Mediterranean" co-organized by the CIHEAM and CIHEAM Zaragoza at Casa Mediterraneo (Alicante, Spain), the topic of women's condition in fisheries and aquaculture will be addressed through a dedicated working group meeting between CIHEAM's experts and professionals of the sector.
To mark the CIHEAM's engagement to sustain and empower Mediterranean women in fisheries, the CIHEAM Zaragoza has started a tailored #GetToKnow project on Youtube, by giving voice to female workers in the fishing industry. Some examples below:
- Lila Haddad, Senior Technician, Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of the Wilaya de Tizi Ouzou (Algeria)
- Jihane Abderrachid, Engineer, Maritime Fisheries Department (Morocco)