As a partner of the #MediterraneanCoalition, the CIHEAM highlights agricultural issues at the COP28
COP28, Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

As a partner in the Mediterranean coalition, the CIHEAM was present at COP 28 to promote agricultural and food issues. This participation was marked by the organisation of several events.
This presence at the COP was also an opportunity to hold working meetings with the Moroccan Minister of Agriculture, Mohammed Sadiki, and the President of the Arab Water Council (AWC) Pr. Mahmoud Abu Zeid.

Agroforestry in the Euro-Mediterranean region: Towards a Political, Financial and Cooperation Framework
Mr Ivan Hajdukovic, EMEA "Agroforestry sector in the Euro-Mediterranean region: recommendations for new policies and financing frameworks"
Mr Martin Heibel, Interreg NEXT MED "Open innovation for Mediterranean agroforestry systems: the experience of the LIVINGAGRO Project"
Mr Martin Lukáč “The magic money tree: verification to support agroforestry financing” University of Reading.
Mr Rico Hübner, Deutscher Fachverband für Agroforstwirtschaft (DeFAF) e.V.: "Agroforestry, a niche multifunctional land use system of a movement?!"
Mr Thierry Dupeuble, Director of the CIHEAM Montpellier Institute
“Mediterranean agro-sylvo-pastoralism”
Mrs Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux and Mr Jacques Brulhet of the Interacademic Group for Development (GID) "Mutual benefits of cooperation between Mediterranean and European countries to resolve the crisis of forest ecosystems, agroforestry and the environment in the region"
Moderator: Mrs Yasmine Seghirate El Guerrab, CIHEAM
Watch the side-event here organised by CIHEAM and the Association of Euro-Mediterranean Economists (EMEA)

The Mediterranean Blue Economy Facing Climate Change: What Transitions and What Means Are Necessary for Greater Sustainability?
Mr Teodoro Miano, Secretary General of CIHEAM“What roles for Mediterranean port and coastal cities in the blue economy?”
Mr Raúl Compés, Director of CIHEAM Zaragoza, “Sustainable fishing and aquaculture: training challenges”
Mr Thierry Dupeuble, Director of CIHEAM Montpellier “Treatment of pollution and restoration of water quality and marine and coastal ecosystems”
Moderator: Mrs Yasmine Seghirate El Guerrab, CIHEAM

The Water, Energy, Food, Ecosystems Nexus (WEFE + Nexus): Sustainable Development Approaches in the Arab Region
Event at the League of Arab States Pavilion organised by the Arab Water Council (AWC), CIHEAM, CEDARE, and the League of Arab States. The session explored the Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus, and highlighted best practices and innovative solutions using the WEFE Nexus approach for sustainable development.
Climate Security Measures for Adaptation and Resilience in the Arab region
Event at the League of Arab States Pavilion organized by AWC, UNDP, CEDARE, CIHEAM Bari. The session highlighted the important role of unconventional water resources and nature-based solutions as key adaptation and resilience measures for the Arab region, while presenting new approaches for enhanced cooperation and integrated solutions successful initiatives for climate adaptation and resilience.