A CIHEAM Meta-Network to Promote Legumes in Mediterranean Sustainable Food Systems (BEANS)

Over the past three years, the MEDIET Project, funded by the Italian Ministery of Foreign Affairs (MFAIC) and implemented by the CIHEAM Bari, has established a comprehensive research and development platform bringing together partners from 17 countries. This project has highlighted the essential role of legumes in food security thanks to their high protein content, nutraceutical benefits, and their positive impact on the environmental and the economy.
Why a Meta Network for Legumes in the Mediterranean?
The BEANS Network aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how agricultural, ecological, and socio-economic systems interact and influence each other. This integrated approach goes beyond the isolated analysis of individual networks, enabling the design of more effective strategies for the sustainable development of the Mediterranean region.
The Strategic Role of the CIHEAM Meta Network in Regional Food Security
The BEANS Meta Network addresses food security challenges in the Mediterranean by fostering regional cooperation, research, and innovation. This is achieved by promoting sustainable agriculture, developing resilient and nutritious legume varieties adapted to Mediterranean climates, supporting and implementing improved policies, practices, and technologies, and strengthening local economies by generating income for farmers and enhancing regional cohesion.

Establishment of the BEANS Meta Network
Established in Bari in March 2024, following the International MEDIET Seminar, the Network promotes the role of legumes in Mediterranean food systems. The MEDIET project has paved the way for enhancing the value of locally grown and genetically selected legumes, highlighting their health benefits, food processing potential, and commercial viability.
The CIHEAM will coordinate the network, focusing on research, food policy advocacy, capacity building, and knowledge sharing. This initiative will benefit from the support of international and national authorities, research institutes, and private sector stakeholders, while drawing on existing platforms and networks such as SFS-MED and FEED, and other related initiatives implemented within all the CIHEAM Institutes. This initiative fully aligns with the CIHEAM Strategic Plan 2030 on Sustainable Food Systems and was endorsed during the CIHEAM Ministerial Conference in Rabat in October 2024.
Organisational Structure of BEANS
The BEANS Meta Network is chaired and managed by the Secretary General of the CIHEAM as a corporate initiative. Its governance is structured around a Steering Committee, an International Advisory Board, and a General Assembly, bringing together various international organisations and regional stakeholders. Over a three-year period, the network will undertake key initiatives, including the development of research projects, the establishment of training programmes, and targeted actions for Mediterranean policymakers. Its implementation will follow a phased approach, which will be defined during the first General Assembly, scheduled for spring 2025.