Paris, 31 January 2023
Working meeting between the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) and the CIHEAM at the General Secretariat, in view of the signing of the renewal of their Memorandum of Understanding.
The CIHEAM and the OIV have been working together since 2006 on various activities of mutual interest, and now wish to intensify their cooperation in order to meet the new challenges of the agri-food system, particularly in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation. This priority issue of their cooperation was made clear by the joint realization of a side event at COP 27, which took place in November 2022 in Egypt.
The two organizations would like to intensify the sharing of scientific and technical knowledge in their respective fields and to contribute to policies and strategies that promote sustainable development in rural areas and agri-food systems, focusing in particular on the opportunities offered by new technologies, the efficient use of natural resources - in particular water and soil - and energy, and aiming at greater inclusion and empowerment of communities.

During the working meeting, potential new joint activities in the field of training, research, development, and innovation were discussed.
A coordination and consultation mechanism between the secretariats of the two organizations was also discussed to monitor issues of common interest and facilitate cross-action.
The OIV, created in 1924, is an intergovernmental organization of a technical and scientific nature whose mission is to bring together the actors in the world of wine and vineyards so that they can collaborate within the sector. The objectives of the Organisation are to inform, assist, harmonize, standardize, and support the wine sector. To do this, the OIV works with a network of over 1000 experts from all over the world.